This research hopes to add to knowledge about the issues people with cancer face beyond the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Your feedback will help us identify the needs of cancer survivors, for now and in the future, for yourself and all those who one day may walk a path similar to yours.
Involvement in this study is completely voluntary and you are under no obligation to partake in this research. However, if you do choose to contribute to this study, participation will involve completing an online questionnaire, which is anticipated to take around 45 minutes of your time to complete. The questionnaire will ask questions about your lifestyle, personal beliefs about cancer, your psychological strengths, practicing health behaviour and quite generally, your personal experience of cancer.
Are there any risks?
All results obtained through this research will be treated as strictly confidential and your answers will remain anonymous in order to preserve your privacy. You will not be identified in subsequent discussion or in the publication of this research; only general group trends will be reported. This project is supported by the Cancer Council SA and the Cancer Care Centre; however, please be assured that individual responses will be reported anonymously and your personal contact details and results will not be given to these organisations. Further, a ficticious name will be used to identify questionnaires in place of survivor’s names.
As we are making sure that we preserve the privacy of all participants, we will not be able to identify anyone personally if they are experiencing concerning levels of distress. Thus, if you have any concerns about your well being, we strongly encourage you to make use of the resources outlined at the end of this information sheet (see Helpful Organisations).
What are the benefits?
We hope that the information collected in this study will add to the knowledge and understanding of how people cope with the challenging experience of cancer; therefore enabling us to identify ways in which we can help cancer survivors like yourself. However, participation in this study may not directly benefit you.
Ethics of Study
This project has the approval of The Cancer Council South Australia Human Research Ethics Committee and the University of Adelaide Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). Should you have any queries or complaints regarding the ethical conduct of this study they can be directed to:
If you are happy to contribute to this study, a completed questionnaire will indicate your consent to participate. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the research, please do not hesitate to call Talia Hayman, on (08) 8303 5693 at the psychology department of the University of Adelaide, or supervisor to this study, Vikki Knott (08) 8291 4277.
Helpful Organisations
This is a guide to some resources that might help you deal with any concerns you may have in regards to your health, emotional well being, worries and/or fears about cancer. All resources are Australian organisations, which also have Internet websites that may be able to provide you with additional information and links to other related websites. Phone numbers have also been provided for counselling support.
Cancer Council South Australia
South Australia’s own non-government cancer control organisation dedicated to ensuring South Australians are receiving the best cancer care.
Cancer Council Helpline: 13 11 20 (8.30am-8pm, Monday to Friday)
The Cancer Council Helpline provides confidential information and support for people with cancer and their families and friends from expertly trained health counsellors.
Cancer Care Centre
The Cancer Care Centre is the largest complementary health organisation in South Australia. It is a not for profit organisation dedicated to helping people with cancer, their carers and professionals in the health sector.Website:
Helpline: : 13 11 14 (24 hours, 7 days) Lifeline provides a fully confidential and anonymous telephone counselling service.Website:
I acknowledge that I have read and understood the information provided.
I understand that:
Thankyou for your time and consideration,
Talia Hayman
Honours Student
University of Adelaide School of Psychology
If you agree to these terms and wish to participate in this survey please press the 'Agree'